March 30, 2007

second chances...

posted: march 30, 8:15pm

after posting my entry a while ago... i came to a halt and lay in my bed to think...

(believe me when i say, being a thinker is sometimes agrravating...)

there were several things that whoosh my mind into the "thinker's world"...
it was mostly about my previous entry and my bathing outfit for sunday, of cors!
then i went downstairs and hooked the tv up to Star Movies... and watch the life story of Fantasia Barrino... yah! the 3rd or 4th American Idol...*im not sure* she had a painful early life but look at her now! and she sings like... like she was meant to!

you know what... i'll let you in on a secret... when i was child... i dreamt of becoming a famous singer, like Regine or Mariah... i practically sang all my way from elementary to high school! countless times i sang on stage... with or without accompaniment... less than a hundred or more than a thousand audience... it doesn't matter... music was my life... singing was my passion... but it all changed when i entered college... i dnt know... it disappeared like poof! im not saying that i dnt want to sing on stage anymore... i love to do it again... i miss doing it... but my passion plunged into a deep slumber and i cant wake it up... honestly, smoking got in my way... my voice is not like it used to... then i began not reaching the tone i desired... well... to cut the story short, my love for music slowly faded away,...

i still sing... for myself, with my friends, and sometimes, should i say for my undying fans,... haha... yet i dont sing like i used to... no melody in my heart... no passion in my veins... no rhythm in my soul... im like a dead singer nowadays... and im hoping for someone or something to revive me to sing again...

a second chance... im hoping for a second chance even if i dont wanna believe in it...

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